Together with colleagues from Team Populism, I have helped design the questionnaire and concept of the "How Populist Are You?" quiz, first featured in The Guardian, and later in Switzerland by the Tages-Anzeiger. I have also contributed with the data collection for the Global Populism Database, from which the "How Populist Were These Politicians on the Stump" interactive visualization comes.
Eleições na Alemanha: entenda o caminho até o pleito de fevereiro, CNN Brasil, January 31, 2025.
Imagens fake e áudios falsos. Como a IA já entrou na política e a pôs em perigo,, February 22, 2024.
Why would Christians embrace conspiracy theories?, DeseretNews, March 28, 2021.
Falas de Bolsonaro fogem ao decoro do cargo e engajam fiéis, dizem especialistas, Folha de S. Paulo, July 30, 2019.
O que Bolsonaro e Collor têm em comum? Segundo pesquisa, o populismo. Interview to Exame, April 05, 2019.
Bolsonaro é o 1o presidente brasileiro populista desde Collor, diz pesquisa. Interview to UOL Notícias, April 03, 2019.
How Populist Was Theresa May's Brexit Address?, The Guardian, March 21, 2019.
How Populist Were These Politicians on the Stump?, The Guardian, March 08, 2019.
Les discours populistes en pleine croissance dans le monde. Interview to Le Devoir, March 07, 2019.