
Journal articles

Castanho Silva, Bruno. 2025. "No Votes for Old Men: Leaders’ Age and Youth Turnout in Comparative Perspective". European Journal of Political Research 64(1): 276-295.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Danielle Pullan, and Jens Wäckerle. 2024. "Blending in or standing out? Gendered political communication in 24 democracies". American Journal of Political Science, FirstView.
Replication codes and data are available in the AJPS dataverse here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Lennart Schürmann, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2024. "Modulation of Democracy: Partisan Communication During and After Election Campaigns". British Journal of Political Science, 54(2): 339-354.
Replication codes and data are available in the BJPS dataverse here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, and Christopher Wratil. 2023. "Do parties’ representation failures affect populist attitudes? Evidence from a multinational survey experiment". Political Science Research and Methods, 11(2): 347-362.
Replication codes and data are available in the PSRM dataverse here.

Wäckerle, Jens, and Bruno Castanho Silva. 2023. "Distinctive Voices: Political Speech, Rhetoric, and the Substantive Representation of Women in European Parliaments". Legislative Studies Quarterly, 48(4):797-831.
Replication codes and data are available in the LSQ dataverse here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Fabian G. Neuner, and Christopher Wratil. 2023."Populism and Candidate Support in the US: The Effects of 'Thin' and 'Host' Ideology". Journal of Experimental Political Science, 10(3): 438-447.
Replication codes and data are available on the JEPS Dataverse here.
Winner of the 2023 Best Replication Award from the APSA Experimental Section.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2022. "Politicians Unleashed? Political Communication on Twitter and in Parliament in Western Europe". Political Science Research and Methods, 10(4): 776-792.
Replication codes and data are available in the PSRM dataverse here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Mario Fuks, and Eduardo Ryô Tamaki. 2022. "So thin it’s almost invisible: Populist attitudes and voting behavior in Brazil".Electoral Studies 75: 1-11.
Replication codes and data are available at OSF here. An ungated preprint is available here.

Jenne, Erin K., Kirk A. Hawkins, and Bruno Castanho Silva. 2021. "Mapping Populism and Nationalism in Leader Rhetoric Across North America and Europe".Studies in Comparative International Development 56: 170-196.
The replication files for this paper are available at OSF here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2021. "Fake It ‘Til You Make It: A Natural Experiment to Identify European Politicians’ Benefit from Twitter Bots". American Political Science Review, 115(1): 316-322.
The accepted version of this manuscript is available here. Replication codes and data are available at the APSR dataverse here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Sebastian Jungkunz, Marc Helbling, and Levente Littvay. 2020. "An Empirical Comparison of Seven Populist Attitudes Scales". Political Research Quarterly 73(2): 409-24.
The accepted version of this manuscript is available here. Replication codes and data are available here.

Ardag, M. Murat, Bruno Castanho Silva, J. Philipp Thomeczek, Steffen F. Bandlow-Raffalski, and Levente Littvay. 2020. "Populist Attitudes and Political Engagement: Ugly, Bad, and Sometimes Good?, Representation 56:3, 307-330.
Replication codes and data for this paper are available here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, and Levente Littvay. 2019."Comparative Research is Harder Than We Thought: Regional Differences in Experts' Understanding of Electoral Integrity Questions". Political Analysis 27(4): 599-604.
The accepted version of this manuscript is available here. Replication codes and data for this paper are available on the Political Analysis dataverse.

Castanho Silva, Bruno. 2019. "He's Not One of Them!' Antiestablishment Supporters of Populist Governments in Bolivia and Ecuador". The Journal of Politics 81(3): 1085-1089.
The accepted version of this manuscript is available here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno. 2018. "The (Non) Impact of the 2015 Paris Terrorist Attacks on Political Attitudes". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44(6): 838-850.
Reproduction codes and data are available here. The accepted version of this manuscript is available here, and the Online supplementary materials are available here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno. 2018. "Populist radical right parties and mass polarization in the Netherlands", European Political Science Review 10(2): 219-244.
The accepted version of this manuscript is available here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Federico Vegetti, and Levente Littvay. 2017. "The Elite Is up to Something: Exploring the Relation Between Populism and Belief in Conspiracy Theories", Swiss Political Science Review, 23(4): 423-443.
Reproduction codes and data are available here. The resubmitted version of this manuscript is available here.


Castanho Silva, Bruno, Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, and Levente Littvay. 2019. Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Codes and data to reproduce all examples in the book are available at the online appendix here.

Book Chapters

Castanho Silva, Bruno, Ioannis Andreadis, Eva Anduiza, Nebojsa Blanusa, Yazmin Morlet Corti, Gisela Delfino, Guillem Rico, Saskia P. Ruth, Bram Spruyt, Marco Steenbergen, and Levente Littvay. 2018. "Public Opinion Surveys: a New Scale". In: The Ideational Approach to Populism: Theory, Method & Analysis, edited by Kirk A. Hawkins, Ryan Carlin, Levente Littvay, and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. London: Routledge.
An executive memo with technical information about the scale, instructions for use, and translations can be found here.

Castanho Silva, Bruno. 2018. "Populist Success: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis". In: The Ideational Approach to Populism: Theory, Method & Analysis, edited by Kirk A. Hawkins, Ryan Carlin, Levente Littvay, and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. London: Routledge.
An early version of this chapter may be found as Chapter 3 in my dissertation (link below).

Hawkins, Kirk A., and Bruno Castanho Silva. 2018. "Text Analysis: Big Data Approaches". In: The Ideational Approach to Populism: Theory, Method & Analysis, edited by Kirk A. Hawkins, Ryan Carlin, Levente Littvay, and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. London: Routledge.
An early version of this chapter may be found here.


Castanho Silva, Bruno. 2017. Contemporary Populism: Actors, Causes and Consequences Across 28 Democracies. Doctoral dissertation, Central European University. Retrieved from